Sonntag, 7. März 2010


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Silverlight 3 and its associated development tools, Expression Blend and Visual Studio, are used to reproduce the look and feel of a desktop application in a browser deployed, cross-platform framework. Silverlight 3 Essential Training is designed to teach programmers how to create dynamic, interactive, rich Internet applications that run on Silverlight 3. Instructor Walt Ritscher covers the basic framework architecture to creating an engaging user interface. This course requires a working knowledge of C#, but includes lessons on XAML, a language designed to making coding in Silverlight easier. Exercise files accompany the course.

Course Contents

Using the exercise files
Exploring the finished project

1.Getting Started
Silverlight 3 explained
Showcasing amazing Silverlight applications
Setting up your developer computer
Contrasting the Silverlight versions
Using Visual Studio to create a Silverlight project
Using Expression Blend to create a Silverlight project
Touring the Visual Studio interface
Touring the Expression Blend interface

2. Project Overview
Understanding the Visual Studio project structure
Creating a Silverlight page/UserControl
Discovering what happens during a compile
Using core runtime assemblies and other assemblies
Deploying your Silverlight application
Starting up your application
Embedding Silverlight content on web pages
Understanding the end user install process

3. The Programming Side
Exploring the relationship between XAML and .NET
Choosing a Silverlight programming language
Exploring the code-behind file
Debugging Silverlight applications

Working with XAML Elements and Property Attributes
Investigating XAML namespaces
Converting XAML properties with TypeConverters
Nesting more complex structure with Property Elements
Assigning runtime data via XAML Markup Extensions
Digging into the Dependency Property System
Creating a custom Dependency Property
Understanding Attached Properties

5. Layout Containers
Understanding layout
Painting background and borders
Getting colorful with gradient brushes
Controlling your layout with StackPanel
Exploring additional layout controls in the Silverlight toolkit
Exploring sophisticated layout with the Grid
Sizing cells using the GridSplitter
Absolute positioning with the Canvas panel
Scrolling content with the ScrollViewer
Adjusting content with alignment, margins, and sizing
Enlarging your window with Full Screen mode
Manipulating elements with transforms

6. Understanding the Event Model
Understanding routed events
Wiring up event handlers in Silverlight
Understanding Event Bubbling
Detailing the mouse events
Detailing the key events

7. Using Silverlight Controls
Displaying text on the screen
Gathering text input from the user
Using and embedding Silverlight fonts
Understanding content controls
Understanding the button controls
Showing list data with ItemsControls
Exploring the Silverlight toolkit controls
Digging into the DataGrid
Using DataBinding to work with data
Floating UI with Popup and ToolTip

8. Navigation
Swapping content with UserControls
Creating dialogs and child windows
Using the Navigation Framework

9. Images and Media
Adding binary resource files to a Silverlight project
Showing static images with the Image Control
Painting UI with the Image Brush
Embedding video with the MediaElement

10. Energizing the UI with Animations
Understanding Silverlight animations
Creating animations
Controlling animations
Simulating physics with animation easings
Create a custom easing

11. Templates and styles
Placing XAML resources within a FrameworkElement
Centralizing settings in styles
Creating alternate control UI with ControlTemplates
Dressing up your data with DataTemplates
Explaining the VisualStateManager: A simple way to manage control state

12. Application-Level Concepts
Handling errors in a Silverlight application
Setting up application events
Reporting incremental progress with a loading screen
Storing data on the client

13. Managing Expression Blend Assets
Exploring the Expression Blend asset pane
Adding behaviors to elements with Blend Behaviors
Creating custom behaviors
Using the built-in shader effects
Creating custom shaders

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